Eugene Monroe

Eugene Monroe

Eugene retired from professional football in 2016, and he openly discussed the physical toll that football takes on the body. Looking for a solution for the multiple injuries he sustained, Monroe found Vitruvia. “During my playing career, I injured both of my shoulders. I had surgery on my left one twice, and it’s still causing me some problems. My neck’s really been bound down because of it, and now it’s like, free,” says Monroe after his first RELIEF® session. “I was able to look at the machine and see that the machine that they’re using shows you all of the layers of your tissues – all your connective tissues in your muscle.” You can also, during the procedure, see a syringe going in and putting a solution into the areas that appear really bright and very different. You can tell that they’re signaling information. During the process, you just see it go away, and you feel it go away too.” The day after Eugene shared, “I was even able to get some increased range out of it like bringing my shoulder all the way up to my ear. I went and did snatches this morning with basically just the bar, but I was able to get it over my head.”